The last few months of the year are my favorite! I love to decorate and do all the festive things with my boys. Boo bags have quickly become a Halloween tradition at our house. They’re such a fun way to spread kindness and fun. So, I created a cute, free printable that y’all could use to make your own Boo Bags to share with friends.

- Go shopping and grab the items you’d like for your bags, along with the packaging you want to use. I put everything in little gift bags as you can see in the pictures. I’ve also seen cute buckets and baskets used for this.
- Package up all of the goodies into the bags. Then print off the “You’ve Been Booed” to add to the front of your bag and the “We’ve Been Booed” to put inside.
- Deliver your Boo Bags to your friends’ and neighbors’ doorsteps. This is the only time “ding, dong, ditch” is ever appreciated. Make sure you’re sneaky. You don’t want them to know who dropped off their Boo Bag.

What’s great about these bags is that you can add as little or much as you’d like when it comes to the goodies. We usually make two to three bags to drop off at neighbors’ houses each Fall. I usually start checking places in late September. I always hit the Target dollar spot and the Dollar Tree for Halloween goodies; then I will grab festive candy at the grocery store. Need some ideas on what to put in your Boo Bag? I’ve got ya covered below!

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