Today you’re three. I always knew I wanted to be a mama and you made that dream a reality. Your daddy and I prayed for you. We longed for you to make us a family and when it didn’t happen right away, we were so sad. But we knew that God had you in store for us, in his time. So we continued to pray for you and trusted him. We knew that when the timing was perfect for everything to line up in your life as God had intended, he would create you. Two years later when I found out you were in my belly, I was overcome with emotion. I cried out to God thanking him for his faithfulness and his blessings. We knew you’d be special, but we could never imagine how you would captivate us. From the moment you opened your eyes for the very first time, and then from every day after, you do just that.
Somehow life has sped up since you arrived. I feel like it was just yesterday we were prepping the house for your arrival. Getting every little thing perfect for you to make your grand entrance into this world. We got so excited at every single chance we had to hear your sweet heartbeat or see your little fingers and toes on that screen. We continued to pray that God would make you healthy and strong. Three years ago today, I packed up our bags and Daddy took us to the hospital. Everyone came to wait for you and we were all so excited. We waited several hours to see and hold you. At 6:25pm, you came into the world and changed all of our lives forever. You were the most amazing miracle I had ever set my eyes on. Our lives were forever changed in that moment you made us your mommy and daddy.
Your first year, we watched as you developed and learned to do new things. All the little smiles, each “mama” and “dada”, or rolling over for the first time, we eagerly anticipated it all. Every milestone as exciting as the next. Your second year, you learned to walk and talk. We taught you Jesus Loves Me, your abc’s, colors, and shapes, and we were amazed at how bright our little boy was. You’ve always been so eager to learn and have blown us away with how you retained it all at such a young age. And now today you’re three. We laugh at all the things you do and say. I’m writing everything down because I want to remember it all. Every word, the things that make you giggle, all the kisses and hugs you give so abundantly, each milestone you hit…every little thing that is you, I’m keeping it in a safe place because I don’t want to forget a thing.
We put our three year old down tonight and what a big boy you are. You’ve become the best big brother any sibling could have and you quite the adventurer. You have such a happy, kind way about you and that smile with your little dimples make me melt! You got a few things for your birthday this year. I think you’d say your most favorite things are the superhero capes and masks, then your cookie cake with 3 monsters that you picked out. You and daddy made some memories as you chased each other around the house pretending to fly. You were Superman and he was Robin. You pulled me safely to the kitchen because you wanted to be sure that I didn’t get hurt while the two of you “wrestled”. You’ve got a spirit of excitement for life that brings such joy to my soul.
Today you’re three and I can only imagine everything you’ll accomplish in this next year. I know there will be lots of new, amazing things that I will want to tuck away to remember as the years pass by. I do know this, our life is so much richer because you’re in it. God blessed us more than we deserve by giving us you. You have shown us an indescribable love and we love you so much, Harper Gray. Daddy taught you this simple prayer that you say every night before bed and it’s our hope for you. I’m ending with this prayer because I want to read it and remember your sweet little voice saying it.
“Dear Jesus,
Thank you for family. Help me to get to know you better.
Give me wisdom at a young age. Amen”
Oh Harper!! You are the bestest buddy to E and we love you very much!! Let’s celebrate soon!
He sure loves Elli! :) I know he’s looking forward to a play date very soon!
aw man. what a sweet post! In tears here! Love the sweet prayer that he prays too! :)
Thanks, girl! :) These boys of ours are just growing up too fast, aren’t they?
Your words are so sweet. They make me even more excited about these next few years with my baby girl. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience.
:) Thanks for reading, friend! I’m so excited for you and that sweet baby girl! I love seeing pictures of her! She’s just the cutest!
Oh I love this my friend!!!!!!!!!!!! What a blessing he is! Love you!
He truly is! Love you too, sweet friend!
PRECIOUS!!! LOVE ALL THE PICTURES!!!!! Happy Birthday Harper Gray❤️
Thanks, Mom! I knew you would! :)
I cried when I read this! Beautiful! and, your family is precious! Daniel worked for me briefly in WM and what a special person he is! I am so proud of y’all! God Bless!
Awe, thank you! I’m blessed to call these boys mine. Thanks for reading.