Isn’t this little man the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?! Ok, I’m biased of course! I’m so lucky to be his mama! I just can’t believe he’s here, yet alone that I’m doing his one month update. I feel like my pregnancy came and went in a flash. I blinked and he’s here and this is our life. I’m so excited to start this series with his monthly updates and photos. Pictures are worth a thousand words and I don’t want to forget any of those little smirks, dimples or soon to come rolls! So, you’ll find me here, documenting my way through it all via this virtual scrapbook that I like to call my blog. :)
Rohen Pierce + One Month Old
Unlike big brother, Harper, Rohen loves bath time!
Hates to have a wet or dirty diaper. If and when it happens, you’ll be sure to know about it. Quickly.
Boy likes to eat! We struggled to get his weight up in the first couple of weeks, thus moving us towards feedings every 2 hours. We all survived and Ro’s starting to pack on the pounds. He’s a healthy and thriving baby boy. Thank the Lord!
He’s a snuggle bug…loves to be held and bundled close!
We are all obsessed with him, but Harper adores him effortlessly. His love for his little brother is so genuine and sweet! It makes this mama’s heart melt! He always want to see baby brother as soon as he wakes up and has to have kisses and hugs 24/7. I was nervous about how he would deal with having to share mom and dad. And don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t always a piece of cake, but it progressively got better each week. We still have those moments, but his love for Rohen usually trumps the other emotions. I cannot wait to see their sweet relationship unfold in the years to come. Did I ever say how excited I am to have two boys?! Two brothers that will make sweet and probably not so sweet memories together. But nonetheless, brothers through thick and thin.
You hear that your baby will know your voice and your spouse’s voice once they’re out of the womb. Well, he knows our voices and Harpers. Rohen perks up when he hears any of us and his eyes start wondering towards the direction it’s coming from. Luckily he got a warm up of how noisy this family is. Now that he’s out of the womb, it’s not quite as muffled. He seems to not be phased one bit by it though.
He smiles often when he’s sleeping and is starting to smile when we interact with him. He’s got my dimples and they make me swoon. His sweet little choos fill our house and we can’t seem to kiss those sweet little cheeks enough. He’s a little piece of heaven that the Lord let us have for this short time on earth and we are delighted to call him ours.
Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17
{Follow along with our daily snapshots on Instagram @southernmadeblog and stay updated by liking SMB’s Facebook page. Stay tuned for tons of baby and family pictures as I live out this thing called motherhood!}
Hi! This came up on my feed on Pinterest and I had to click on it because I have a Rohen Pierce! Spelled exactly the same! You don’t see that everyday! My Rohen is almost 7! Anyways, just had to comment!! Adorable! We have good taste in names! ☺️😉
Miranda (from Texas)
Oh my goodness! How cool is that?! I’ve never come across another Rohen, much less a Rohen Pierce. Great name picking, mama! :)