We’re overdue for family pictures, so I thought I’d include photos from our shoot in the fall in this blog post. Does anyone even still look at blogs anymore? I’m mostly on Instagram and Tiktok these days. Yes, I started a TikTok account. (Come on over and find me @southernmadeblog) However, I thought I was way too ancient for it. Turns out, it’s pretty darn fun and there are lots of us 30 something gals on there. My favorite videos are the funny ones or food, health, beauty, hacks, and travel-related.
One thing I’ve noticed over the past year is that y’all like to see the crazy, wild side of our life! That side of me has come out on Tiktok and I brought it over to the gram. Apparently, it’s being enjoyed because I’ve had a couple of viral videos. A lot of the funny stuff is part of our everyday life. I don’t know why I never thought to include that in my content. It’s fun to do and it makes y’all laugh, which makes me so happy. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, head over to my Instagram and browse through my reels.
Now that my boys are a bit older and out of the baby/toddler stage, I feel like I’m coming up for air and out of a fog so to speak. They can play outside without me making sure no one runs in the street or falls off the playset. It’s a bittersweet season, but one I’m very thankful for. I’m working on a blog post about this topic and I’ll share it soon.
I also have missed writing. Terribly! I have drafts that I started when I felt inspired or wanted to tell y’all about something. One of these days I’ll finish them and share them here. I started this space right before Rohen was born and I wanted it to be my creative outlet. A place to write out my thoughts. Then Instagram kind of took over and that’s mostly where I landed over the past couple of years. I’m excited to be back here…sharing my thoughts, travels, everyday life, and everything in between.
If you’re reading this, thanks for being here! Say hi in the comments or come over to Instagram. You’ll find me there every day. The best thing that has come from this blogging/social space is this incredible community. I’m so very thankful for it.

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